List of Moves
This list of moves saved from a run of the simulator. I spent way too much time getting the layout the way I 'wanted' it. As with the simulator, and the layout when built, the numbered cars come off the right hand end of the sidings, to the left hand end of the head shunt (visualize the turnouts are between siding 1 and the head shunt.
The Simulator run that produced this list of moves can be seen as the "First Run Simulation" on the main menu <Inglenook><Videos><First Run Simulation>
Yes the simulator needs some work.
The moves are printed from a saved ".json" formatted file. The first line, "Start", is the beginning position entered or retrieved from the information saved in a cookie from your last simulator run. "The Answer" is the order selected/entered in the setup simulator screen. All for troubleshooting/analysis really.