• Shop-vac coupler is done. Could be better.
  • This was my first boring on the lathe. Learned somethings I wish were not true about my lathe.
    • The cross feed cannot move a boring tool to the centerline.
    • Largest bit I have is 1/2". Boring tool just fits.
    • The compound feed is hard to use and not stable.
  • Life is getting in the way again.
  • Had a brainstorm about the structure for the Laptop software. Really Phase III
  • Working on the laptop (4) software
    • Coded Class to update resource status based on sensor messages (<Q n> and <q n>) from Arduino (2) and Raspberry Pi
    • Coded lookup table for which resources control signal aspect - Assets by signal. So given a signal lookup which assets (block of track, turnout, crossover) affect the signals aspect.
    • Coded lookup table for which signals depend on which asset - Signal by asset. So given a change in an asset's status, which signals may need to be updated.
    • Tables need to be checked, but the logic works.
    • Blurring the line between phase II and III.