Seven of the dual-head semaphore signals arrived. That make 18 of the 28 needed dual-heads are in hand.
The remaining single-head semaphore signals are being shipped.
Thinking about the process of making 20 of the 32 brackets for the semaphore servos, to make it simple and repeatable, the "need" for a Y-axis DRO (Digital Read-Out) on the mill became obvious. The DRO mounting brackets are going to a challenge. All curved surfaces.
The 22 (18 for dual-head + 4 for single-head) pieces of 1.5" aluminum angle are cut, squared and deburred ready for marking, drilling and milling to make brackets.. Not that deburring is a mindless operation but, I ran a file over 22 feet of edge. In the process I was impressed by how square the bandsaw had made the cuts. Ruff but square.
While I was setup to cut and square (mill) the ends, I processed the remaining 10 pieces of aluminum angle. Will need them some day.