Looked at the image sitemap and realized many images do not have "Alt text" attached. This week's SEO project.
SEO didn't take as long as I thought. Simulator documentation updated and uploaded. Main document (this file) with updated Alt text will be uploaded on Sunday.
Cleaned track eliminating one random error. Trains still randomly don't get commands from my app. but run fine using a JMRI throttle. Add a delay in the beginning that seem -- right now -- to fix the startup issue.
With other people around Raspberry Pi stopped several times. static??? Afterwards when I tried to restart the USB drive was SNAFU. Was able to copy program files before error check and reformat. Finely was able to read the thumb drive (and make a backup.)
Before the crash Marry-Go-Round ran all the way through several times. Almost have the 3 "types" of track blocks standardized: 8 curves at the end (2,12, 6, 16; and 3, 13, 5, 15), 4 straight sections (1, & 4 and 11 & 14), 4 crossovers (2 reversing 7, 8 and 2 not 9, 10).
Standardizing code for the sets of similar block resulted in a much smother running train.
There are still random times that sensor are dropped or over run. Just run things again and all is fine.
Oh will. On to the next step. Maybe a video first.