22 - 28 Mar '21
- It has been so long sense I worked on the Unicorn software library I have forgotten how things work.
- Updated CSS HTML Validator
- The unicorn HD HATs works smoothly. Updating signal aspect is defined but the fan operation is stubbed out. Need to resolve the fan operation first.
- The original fan library and examples are for the Pimoroni FanShim. Lots of changes needed. See Fan Display and Control. This is a mess.
- Read documentation for the IO Pi HAT and need to make miner change to the Wabbit feedback wiring. The IO Pi pins as inputs have pull-up resistors. The Wabbit status output needs to provide a ground to pull the IO Pi down, NOT as originally conceived as a positive on active.
- An update to HelpNDoc is available IF my internet had not been down all week!
- The Wabbit/IO Pi interface doesn't work. The IO Pi includes a 100K Ω pull up resistor. At 5v0dc that is only 0.05 ma (milli amps). I don't think that is enough current to push through the optic isolators. Testing shows that turning off the internal pull up and using a 22K Ω resistor results in 0.27 ma and it works! Value is open for change based on what resistor values are available in an IC array.
- Without the internet, cleaning up some documentation.