So, with the test track I got the bad news, two of the cute little Plymouth ML-8 Industrial Switchers are shorted out. That is what phones and RMA numbers are for. I only have 27" of powered track so we have time.

Used the working engines and test track to check out the DCC++ software running on an Arduino UNO and MAGA to make sure I got the jumpers right and see how things work together. Encouragement.

Used an Arduino, solderless breadboard, etc. to make a LED blink, control the relay for reversing the track and played with the IR sensors. Used some code from youtube to test the IR sensors using analog inputs. Need to see how they work on digital input pins. Then test the sensors input and relay output with DCC++ just be sure we know where we are headed. One step at a time.

Onward to servo control with the Raspberry and a HAT.