The website has reached 220 pages with 200 photos and 35,000 words, not counting the bulletin board.
Updated CSS HTLM Validator.
Fixed simulator exit so one button closes display window and returns to main menu!
New idea to put TrainCam on a train.
Simulator work
Title tags added to all simulator options/buttons.
Help links added to simulator options.
Adjusted location of signals around the "X" in the middle.
Adjusted labels for the IR sensors. Little aesthetic tweaks still required.
Re-implemented the "Repeat Similar Runs" function.
Fixed some minor errors. More testing needed.
Uploaded updated simulator and documentation.
Redirect after <End Run> back to index.php doesn't work on host. Works fine on localhost. Input error redirect works fine. Must be a timing host config issue.
Simulator documentation still out of date.
First bracket to hold camera on a single truck, CamCar, didn't work. The bracket was fine; the truck wouldn't stay on the track when pushed by a loco. Loco could pull the truck without a problem. So much for a cute building, with picture window, to hide the camera.
First cut at a second bracket to mount TrainCam on the front of a loco. Need/want a rubber grommet for loco stack to give a slip-fit to adjust the camera nod.
New TrainCam video to follow. Two camera (almost) Grand Tour video.